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Dried bananas

Do you already know shriveled dried bananas or twisted energy bars ?

Switch to the dried bananas that give the banana power !

Bananas KoueyNamWa from Thailand, dried in the sun, presented in a freshness sachet :

Carry in your pocket something to replenish your energy during sport !

Keep a healthy & unprocessed appetite suppressant on hand for an efficient & concentrated day !

Bet on an energetic, dietetic & practical food.

#RealFood ... against cravings and other gurgles !

Zero added sugar, zero preservative.

Ingredient: 100% dried banana


#RealFood ...

#RealFood ... against cravings and other gurgles ! Zero added sugar, zero preservative. Ingredients: 100% dried banana

What's new under the sun ? Tender and fluffy dried bananas, thanks to him, the sun !

Obviously, we already know dried bananas in France. It already exists. What we liked with this producer of dried bananas is first of all the soft and fluffy texture preserved by the fruit thanks to drying by solar energy only. Next is the complete energy intake of this unprocessed food. And finally, it is practical packaging in energy bar format.


Handy #Packaging // Dried bananas in individual sachets : the single-ingredient alternative "in energy bar format"

Bring enough energy in your pocket with a simple, unprocessed product & keep fit (like a banana) !


Individual bag = preserved texture.

The type of packaging really makes the difference and deserves some explanation. At Lemon Import, we are not fans of over-packaging but the sachets bring a real plus : on the one hand they allow you to take only a few portions for the day instead of the complete package, but on the other hand, the individual airtight sachet is a key element in the conservation of the banana, and in particular its soft texture. It is a real difference with the dried bananas that one usually finds in France : in most cases, they were dried in accelerated in an oven and is therefore somehow ... shriveled.


Mono-ingredient = fruit, nothing but fruit.

During our cycling adventures around the world, we have already noted this by describing Lemon Import approach : what we liked are raw energy foods without industrial processing. Based on the observation that you cannot always have fresh fruit on you, the choice of dried fruit is a satisfactory option.

Zero added sugar, zero preservative. What caught our eye (ouch!) Is simplicity here again and it is written on the product : "Ingredients: 100% dried banana". No hidden ingredients or complicated process between the raw fruit and the finished product. A banana, drying in the sun, sterile hermetic packaging, and that's it. Again, we appreciated the differentiating character of KoueyNamWa dried bananas which were not coated with glucose syrup or flavor: nothing but dried fruit, for snacking without complex.


#Nutrition // KoueyNamWa dried bananas from Thailand : a complete food with a host of intakes

Smaller than the bananas that we usually find on the market in Europe, KoueyNamWa bananas are rich in benefits both from a sports nutrition point of view and from the intakes necessary for the proper functioning of the body.


Energy food & microbiota balance : 80 cal / 30g.

It is first of all a major source of energy in the form of calories directly assimilated by the body : the nutrients of the fruit not having been altered during drying, each of them is recognized and then used wisely by the body through our digestive system. There are no calories stored for example in adipose tissue like those from denatured foods. Each nutrient, each calorie, each sugar, each dietary fiber from dried bananas is completely converted into energy, recognized and usable by the body. Let's repeat it here : its glycemic load is low.

Among these nutrients are non-digestible oligofructoses (also called fructooligosaccharides or FOS), which are prebiotic sugars. Do not run away : they are not digested, so they do not make you fat. On the other hand, their role is to nourish & stimulate the growth of probiotics, these bacteria that make up the intestinal flora in the small intestine and colon.

In line with oligofructoses, KoueyNamWa dried bananas contain other prebiotics such as inulin : dietary dietary fibers whose specificity is to arrive intact in the intestine where they are digested and fermented by intestinal bacteria. In doing so, said bacteria produce various substances beneficial to the digestive system including short-chain fatty acids (butyrate) & gases (fructans of the inulin type, galacto-oligosaccharides, xylo-oligosaccharides). These facilitate intestinal motility (deconstipating properties). We then speak of the balance of the intestinal & colonic microbiota to designate this process with multiple cascading effects.

To finish on fructooligosaccharides & inulin, we note here that these prebiotics also promote the absorption of minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron) and the production of butyrate (see paragraph dedicated to antioxidants) but also improve lipid metabolism as well as general immunity.


Diet food & intestinal transit. 

Like the Cavendish banana, which is widely consumed in Europe, the KoueyNamWa banana is easy to digest, low in fat and cholesterol, rich in minerals (Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese & Copper) as well as vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and C, and above all a good dose of vitamin B6 also called pyridoxine). It is therefore a food that can be incorporated into the diet to be observed in case of deficiencies or digestive ulcer, especially since it is suitable for both young children and the elderly.

Again, these improvement properties of intestinal disorders & ulcers is due to the fiber content of the KoueyNamWa banana (more than 10% in the dried fruit). Likewise, it holds the record for the rate of polyphenols (38% of phenolic compounds). We often hear about these families of organic molecules, in particular because of their role as natural antioxidants (see paragraph dedicated to antioxidants). However, these polyphenols also have the particularity of resisting passage through the stomach and reaching the colon where they are digested by the bacterial flora, thus releasing beneficial phytochemical elements, with in particular the effect of a general improvement in transit.


A source of secondary type antioxidants.

Primary antioxidants kill free radicals to inhibit initiation or stop chain spread. Secondary antioxidants prevent the formation of radicals & protect against damage from oxidation. It is the latter that are found in + quantity in the dried KoueyNamWa bananas.

Flavonoids, carotenoids & polysaccharides are substances recognized as beneficial on the system & the digestive organs by their antioxidant activity. While most of these phenols are actually found in the banana peel, the flesh of the fruit still contains significant amounts of leucoanthocyanidins, catechins & gallic acid. To a lesser extent, there are also carotenoids such as lutein, α- and β-carotene (provitamin A). The benefit of these substances is due to their anti-inflammatory, anti-hepatotoxic & anti-ulcer properties which are added to the antioxidant action.

Here again, we find the benefit of this antioxidant character intact because there was no cooking of the fruit. Only drying in the sun.

In particular, there is an effect of maintaining the integrity of the colon mucosa thanks to the action of the colonic microbiota on the carbohydrates such as fructose or the polysaccharides of dried bananas, producing several short-chain fatty acids, including butyrates. The latter are considered to be major agents promoting cell renewal in the intestinal wall, stimulating the immune system, while also playing a role in reducing oxidative stress.


Bananes séchées nature : une source de vitaminesBananes séchées nature : un apport en potassium








Vitamins, minerals, etc.

Then, beyond the caloric aspect and in the same way as the fresh fruit, the dried KoueyNamWa banana constitutes a directly assimilable source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron & zinc.


#Texture // Bananas dried by sun exposure only : no cooking

Unlike the dried bananas found on stalls in Europe which are often put in the oven to speed up their drying, KoueyNamWa dried bananas from Lemon Import are simply exposed to solar radiation for several days. The drying is done at low temperature and gradually in a ventilated greenhouse. This process has the effect of preserving nutrients such as fiber, but also of maintaining a soft texture. To complete it all, the sterile hermetic packaging in individual sachet makes it possible to prevent any degradation of the fruit until the moment of tasting it, and this without preservative !


#100% // Dried bananas without transformation : the fruit, only the fruit

We insist, but it is a key aspect of this product, there is no addition of sugar or glucose syrup, no preservative, no flavor or color. In a bag of dried bananas, there is only dried bananas.


Dried bananas, why do this ?

Boost for athletes or dietary appetite suppressants, no fat, no extra calories to avoid gurgling from 11am and stay effective all day !


For athletes: an energy & unprocessed food. 

As detailed above, the table is complete : vitamins, minerals & energy directly assimilated, all in an unprocessed food (if not drying). A concentrated and easy-to-digest energy source for athletes and occasional athletes, to have in the bag as well before, during and especially after exercise since this cocktail of vitamins and minerals is the best way to avoid cramps and aches when stretching.


A healthy, anti-stress & smart appetite suppressant in the event of a little peckish during the day.

No added sugar but a mountain of intakes to avoid gurgling and staying focused ! We appreciate all the more this simple delicacy that it promotes the natural production of serotonin & dopamine, two neurotransmitters playing an anti-stress role, influencing motivation & having an impact on sleep and eating behavior. Similarly, as we saw above, the intake of prebiotic fibers & vitamin B6 in dried bananas promotes the production of butyrate in the digestive system, with a direct implication on the presence of GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) in the body, a neurotransmitter also involved in the modulation of anxiety.

Having stomach in heels, hypoglycemia, return to work after lunch when everyone is napping, it's over! With all that you will understand, we also appreciate the dried bananas of Lemon Import in a professional context as soon as we are sensitive to simple & untreated food.

Finally, not to spoil anything, the dried bananas in a compact format and easy to keep on us, we found it very clever !


A dietary & practical snack to slip into the children's satchel.

Dietary because it is a non-tampered fruit, with no added sugar. Handy with its freshness sachet.


Sporty, gourmet or curious, also try the dried banana nectar, a concentrate of energy, health benefits & nutrients. It is often compared to Vegan honey, but its applications are multiple : click here


To conclude, banana your food !

Ultimately, KoueyNamWa dried bananas is a simple but complete product, adapted to the modern lifestyle : outdoor sports, working day requiring concentration & discreet appetite suppressant.

To choose the desired packaging size from the available formats, use the selector at the top of the page.

To choose the desired packaging size from the available formats, use the selector at the top of the page.


Available in 5 different packings

450g box (9 sachets with 2 bananas / sachet) = Price: 13 €

1 individual sachet (2 bananas / sachet) = Price: 2 €

Pack of 6 individual sachets (2 bananas / sachet) = Price: 10 €

Pack of 9 individual sachets (2 bananas / sachet) = Price: 13 €

Pack of 12 individual sachets (2 bananas / sachet) = Price: 17 €

450g pack (same quantity of sachets as "450g box" but no cardboard box) = Price: 13 € (unavailable)



About Lemon Import

Beyond the products offered on the site, Lemon Import is first and foremost an approach involving 3 families of producers in Thailand.


A world tour on a bicycle, a wedding in Thailand and a responsible approach with 3 Thai producers: it's Lemon Import, the project of Junthana & Clément Pluchery

A world tour on a bicycle, a wedding in Thailand and a responsible approach with 3 Thai producers: it's Lemon Import, the project of Junthana & Clément Pluchery.









References :

L. Fahrasmane and B. Parfait (INRA), G. Aurore : Bananas, a Source of Compounds with Health Properties

Juliette Steen : Try These Foods And Tips To Help Avoid Muscle Cramps

Johanne Mireille Odette Tournié : Méta-analyse des effets de l’oligofructose et de l’inuline sur le risque de cancer colorectal







Publié le 30/05/2024, MàJ le 07/06/2024