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Dried banana nectar

The simple, gourmet & dietetic Superfood ! SIMPLE because only obtained from sun-dried bananas and water. No sugar added or preservative, color or flavor. GOURMET : just love banana ! DIETETICS : it is a prebiotic superfood rich in fructo-oligosaccharides, fibers & antioxidants. Dried banana nectar can be used spread on bread, pancakes, in yogurt or mixed with a hot drink. Ingredients: 100% dried banana Vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free

Dried banana nectar : all benefits of dried banana concentrated in a bottle

Obtained from the sun-only-drying process bananas in Thailand, the dried banana nectar has the smoothness of honey, but with its own taste. It may be enjoyed spread on a slice of bread, spread on a pancake or mixed with fresh yogurt. It may also be used to sweeten a drink, replace the mayonnaise on avocados (a must try), cook a sweet-savory dish or even make a pastry. 

Dried banana nectar spread on bread

Dried banana nectar spread on bread.


A mono-ingredient & unprocessed #SuperFood

Its contributions are multiple to combine form & vitality with greed. The banana is a fruit, famous for being rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals & amino acids which makes it a resource food for active days ..., but that's not all.

Indeed, this concentrated form of dried banana without cooking really makes it possible to talk about superfood, both by the benefits for the organism and nutritional, without forgetting the energy aspect.


A healthy food as a probiotic to maintain the balance of the intestinal microbiota

A host of health benefits through its prebiotic content (to be distinguished from probiotics).

Dried bananas of the "Kouey-nam-wa" variety contain Fructo-OligoSaccharides (FOS or even oligofructose) which could be described as non-assimilable sugars during digestion. We then speak about prebiotic substances present in the diet, not to be absorbed by our digestive system, but to feed the bacteria that make it work (for this reason, oligofructoses do not make you fat). Thus, FOS are major prebiotics for the proper functioning of the intestine & colon. They also intervene to strengthen and nourish probiotics (the "useful" bacteria that make up the intestinal flora), thus participating in the balance of the whole called microbiota.

Another remarkable prebiotic contained in dried banana nectar : inulin which is a kind of fiber not digested by the body (meaning that it arrives as it is in the intestine and therefore does not make you fat). It is then digested by the bacteria of the intestinal flora by producing beneficial substances such as fatty acids & gases (!).

Among all the foods which contain inulin, the banana is not at the head but it is doing the job !


This is where the concentrated form by evaporation and without cooking the dried banana nectar makes the difference. On the one hand, while cooking degrades a large part of prebiotics, dried banana nectar is a means of preserving the intake of fresh fruit.

On the other hand, the order of magnitude speaks volumes : 1 teaspoon is equivalent to 3 bananas. Do understand it is not necessary to consume liters where a sandwich in the morning is sufficient.

Nectar de banane séchée : le Super-Aliment des sportifsRiche en potassium assimilable





#Sport & nutrition. An ultra-concentrated intake: 1 spoon = 3 bananas

For athletes, in search of an unprocessed energy food, dried banana nectar represents an advantage for several reasons : 

  • Naturally rich in fast sugars but without added sugarsSource de vitamines B, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12
  • Easily assimilated because mono-ingredient, without fat and uncooked
  • Rich in vitamins B, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 & C, in calcium, magnesium & potassium
  • Concentrated in its shape & ergonomic in its bottle


Finally, for hikers who monitor the weight of the backpack during bivouacs, the dried banana nectar is compact and consumed on bread without cutlery. Our customers appreciate this ergonomic and practical aspect.

Please refer to Marks tab for nutritional indications.


#Gastronomy : think banana in your dishes !

On a daily basis, dried banana nectar will quickly find its place in the family.

Whether it is to vary the style of breakfast on a slice of bread, to replace an industrial spread with an unprocessed and mono-ingredient product or to sweeten a hot drink by the sole effect of fructose, it has everything.

Vegan honey ? It is also a honey substitute for people who are vegan or allergic to bee products.

In addition, it does not contain gluten or lactose.


In the kitchen, there is no shortage of uses either. Sweet and savory dish, salad dressing, alternative to mayonnaise on an avocado, tropical flavor on a pancake or waffle, pastry coating, on hot goat cheese or on a scoop of ice cream : long live the audacity!

Nectar de banane séchée : bananes KoueyNamWaa  


We are often asked if bananas come from organic farming. No, they are not certified organic.

These are KoueyNamWa variety bananas grown without fertilizers or pesticides. Very widespread throughout Thailand, these bananas are not exported : everyone has them in their garden & they are widely available on the local markets. There is therefore no economic issue that would motivate a race for yield as often in intensive agriculture. See our report in Phitsanulok to learn more about the farming practices & the banana drying method of our family of producers: click here.


Do you also like dried bananas ? So try the dried bananas in individual bags : soft, transportable & unprocessed : click here. https: //www.lemonimport/bananes.html



To conclude, think banana in your food !

Ultimately, dried banana nectar is a product that, although little known in Europe, is ultra-complete while being very simple : unprocessed mono-ingredient. And that's what we liked from our first meetings with K Chanama. Our customers in France regularly praise us for this highly concentrated energy food. Available in 250ml bottle.

Lemon Import: sports nutrition, unprocessed products & direct from 3 families of producers

What guided us to select the products from the Lemon Import range was our attraction to sport, healthy eating & short supply chains. Indeed, from each of the producers' farms to Quaix en Chartreuse, the only intermediary is us, Junthana & Clément. See our approach by clicking here. (émarche.html + titre Simple and unprocessed superfoods and a single operator from the producer in Thailand to Lemon Import, in the heart of Chartreuse) if you wish to know more.

Simple foods, herbal products, exercise in the open air as much as possible & kindness in human relationships: it's Lemon Import.

A selection of unprocessed & herbal products focused on sports & dietetics, all straight from our 3 producers in Thailand, it's Lemon Import!


If you are looking for an alternative to cereal bars, also try plain dried bananas (échées-nature.html + Plain dried bananas) : no added sugar, no preservative, no flavor, no cooking. Only sun-dried banana.


Sun dried banana nectar background bottom








Publié le 01/06/2024, MàJ 07/06/2024