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Dried bananas
Chocolate bananas
Ref.: 000602Solar dried bananas from Thailand coated with chocolate.
Crispy outside, smooth inside…!
Ideal to fully recharge your batteries during exercise or simply as an appetite suppressant, with the extra details that make our bananas so unique for gourmets.
Bananes séchées enrobées de chocoloat noir
Des bananes avec un brin d'exotisme…
Même en mettant en scène le nouvel arrivage des bananes séchées avec l'Aiguille de Quaix, le fameux sommet qui domine notre siège social), on ne vous fera pas croire qu'elles proviennent de Chartreuse !
Ce sont bien des varietés KoueyNamWa, cultivées, récoltées & séchées au soleil de Thaïlande par notre famille de producteur installée à Phitsanulok.
Nouvel Arrivage de Bananes Séchées de Thaïlande à l'Aiguille de Quaix.
...croquantes à l'extérieur, moelleuses à l'intérieur !
Néanmoins, avec ce concentré d'énergie, pratique à avoir sur soi, elles raviront les randonneurs lors de la pause, les petits pour le goûter équilibré les gourmands de tout poil !
Et pour en savoir plus…
Pour savoir comment sont produites les bananes séchées, consultez notre fiche détaillée en cliquant ici.
Boite de 250g (contenant 9 ou 10 sachets avec 1 banane/sachet)
- Our Bananas from Thailand are growing without industrial fertilizer nor pesticide in Phitsanulok province.
- During drying process under translucent parabolic domes, they are laid down on bamboo mats, away from insect and any contamination brought by wind.
- Zero substance added ! During packing step, dried bananas are not treated in any way : no preservatives, no sugar added.
- Once packed & labeled, Lemon Import deals with the import from Phitsanulok to Quaix en Chartreuse, according to the regulations.
- Nutrition facts (Plain Dried Banana) : one 30g portion provide 80cal without fat nor cholesterol.
- Life on shelves : 1 year.
Banana kouey-nam-wa (กล้วยน้ำหว้า)
Full of potassium, powerful antioxidants, supplying vitamins, minerals and nutrients as well as complementary for gut flora enforcement, banana is a super-fruit full of benefits which are detailed in many research & articles. Regarding this, everyone will make his own opinion.
On October 2015, we have been visiting this family business in order to meet them & to see how these dried bananas are made : check it out on our dedicated post.
Starting from a family business, our producer is the first in Thailand to have decided to improve the production quality with innovative methode to reach international standards. Some investment has been required to build new infrastructures & to give more skills to the staff but it was worth it.
If the drying process under glass parabolic dome has been able to focus solar radiation on the drying surface, it gives above all a protection to drying fruits against any contaminant brought through the wind. This quality control level is guaranteed by the GMP Codex & HACCP certification.
K Chanama, who is now running this family business in Phitsanulok.
To know more about Banana Society products, see our dedicated News published after visiting the production site on the 30th of October, 2015.