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Herbal tea pot

L-06 Tisanière 600mL

Ref.: 000430

Tisanière 600mL, designed to make herbal tea through long time infusions.

31.50 €

Lightking l-06 Glass teapot 600mL with stainless filter, allowing you to enjoy viewing the steeping process before tasting it.


A vintage glass tisanière, with deep filter, keeping loose leaves under water even when the level is getting low.

  • Max capacity : 600mL
  • Equivalent to 4 regular cups.
  • Glass teapot dimension without handle : height 10 cm, diameter fluctuating between 8 & 9.5 cm.
  • Stainless filter dimension : height 8 cm, diameter 5.5 cm.

Instead of our teapots with infuser, this tisanière has been designed for brews which would not require too accurate duration control. That is why we do recommend it for herbal tea or single brew tea.

The tisanière includes 2 separated elements. The stainless cylindrical filter & the glass pot to serve the infused tea. The steeping process keeps going as long as there is water left.

When the steeping process has reached the desired level, remove the filter & cover the tisanière with its lid.


  • After use, rinse teaware using clean water.
  • Allowed to dishwash occasionally.
  • Glass teapot with 600mL of capacity.
  • Stainless filter.
  • Packed into a protective carton.